Friday 3 June 2011

A "Purposed" Existence

“What an uncanny beginning for an article?” some would exclaim at first glance. Others would be conclusive, “We’ve heard this one before!”

Well, taking most of the critics into account, this writer will try to edify and shed some light on this seven-lettered word which began this literary piece. So, what is the fuss regarding the word “purpose”? The Oxford Dictionary paints a simple yet clear picture when it defines purpose as “..the reason for which something is done or for which something exists.” Every entity whether it breathes the same air that we breathe or not comes with a definitive design which clearly supports its claim of purpose. Take for instance, a pebble. One of its purposes is to beautify the landscape on the banks of a crystal clear water body along with its posse of pebbles. On the other hand, it puts on a cursed purpose when it gets in the shoe of an unfortunate somebody. If such a small and insignificant pebble can have a definitive purpose, this writer is convinced that we, human beings who have been formed with such meticulous and intricate design definitely have a clear cut purpose.

Purpose highlighted here refers to the one of utmost importance in an individual’s life. So, is purpose a strong impetus to your life? Is your life driven by purpose? This world that we stand upon at present is completely structured and built by people who had a definite purpose framed in their mindset be it for glory or infamy. Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ, a Great Teacher led a life set on a Divine Purpose-to redeem the lost. Till date, His principles and sermons still awe a large section of the world. The Mahatma allowed his purpose of liberating a deprived nation through the path of non-violence and look where we stand now- a land having an identity, one christened as a free country that overcame evil with good. Another selfless figure that is recorded in the annals of history is Mother Teresa whose hands have served and whose feet have trod the most impoverished of streets and corners of Kolkatta for the leprous and maimed section of society. Another life driven by purpose.

This writer hence, urges his fellow brethren to never allow their supposedly mundane lives to be devoid of purpose. Purpose, like a rudder of a boat propels a life its fixed direction irrespective of the intensity that the waves beat about it. Let integrity, benevolence, compassion and love be the sole stimulants to your life. Let us not become like the rich old fool who when asked what he would do with his immense wealth overflowing from his storehouses, replied that he would build more storehouses! On that very night, God in His anger took away the life of the poor old soul. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world yet lose his soul?

On that note, let us strive to live a life driven by purpose and leave behind a legacy that transforms lives.

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